Thursday, August 9, 2007

Web page updates

Hey all,

As you might have just noticed or maybe not but I have done a major update to the web page menu and links section on the site. Also the Blog RSS feed is also on the weather summary page for a total site coverage. The left side menu bar will be updated most likely this weekend due to the time it will take to up the all the pages to keep the formatting the same on each page.

  1. The old links have been replaced with the Weather Summary page.
  2. A website media player has been installed to play the NWS weather radio as a stream on the website. Also to prevent the abuse of the bandwidth the stream will reset every fifteen minutes.
  3. The ETSkywarn blog is now being displayed on the page now also, so anything added to the blog will be automatically update on the website.
  4. A new link to the web mail has been installed that will open in a pop up window so you can keep listening or viewing other things on the site at the same time.

I am also playing with the RSS feed from the National Weather Service on the main page to display current data from McGhee Tyson airport. The RSS feeder from RSSinclude seemed to work better as far as the last updated time seemed to be more realistic... but I am going to give this new one a few days to see what it does.

73, Moe N4CQW

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Moe -

On the page that comes up when you go to the weather summary from the main page: the very dark gray and the black of the text from NWS is such low contract as to make it very, very difficult to read. Different text color or background color would make that otherwise excellent page much more useful (readable). Thanks! Excellent website!
